Become a Member Today!
Our Annual Membership Fee is only $30 per Family
By becoming a member you will be part of a community of families who have similar life experiences, adoption questions, concerns and need for knowledge?
Benefits of a Family Membership:
- Five educational programs yearly – Free to Members
- Kid-focused playgroups
- Annual Picnic invitation
- Members-Only Facebook group for networking with other families
- Membership Directory
Who Can Join? Anyone whose life has been touched by adoption:
- Adoptive Parents
- Adoptees
- Extended Families
- Waiting Parents (free 1 year membership)
- Friends
Are you a waiting family? If so, membership is free (you'll see an option for waiting families on the membership form).
Membership provides you access to our many educational and social events held throughout the year. In 2023-2024 our programs included the following:
Educational Programs
- Adult Adoptee Panel - Navigating Adoption Experiences
- Creative Correction Techniques with Chosen
- The Secrets of Happy Families
- Navigating the Journey - Counseling and Support for Adoptive Families
- Adult mixer
- Multiple Baby Beluga meet ups for new parents to get to know each other and share all the joys and challenges of parenting a baby during that first year
- Older Child Sessions including Lets play Adoption, Birth Mothers, Dealing with friends and acquaintancestances
- Annual AFH family Picnic
- Holiday Party with a Visit from Santa
- Valentine's Day Celebration
- Mother's Day Celebration at KidCreate
- Multiple playdate events
Questions? Email us at
AFH Calendar
- Saturday, March 29
- Sunday, March 30
- Friday, April 4
- Saturday, April 26
- Sunday, April 27
Helpful Links
AFH Sponsors
We appreciate the support of our sponsors!
Presenting Sponsors
Kathie Otte et al
Platinum Sponsors
Friends of St. Padre Pio
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Kari Bird State Farm Insurance
The McNamaras
Bronze Sponsors
Raju Adwaney & Abhishek Kansara
Copper State Rubber
Friends of AFH
Bryan & Debbie Burns
The Garza Family
The Solon Family
Picnic Activity Sponsors
Petting Zoo
Berly Family
DJ Sponsor
The de Roode Family
Balloon & Face Painting
Obstacle Course
Selfie Station
Michael's Rapid Lube