Adoption Education Websites
There are lots of great resources online to help educate ourselves about raising a family with adopted children, as well as other helpful resources. Below are some of our favorites.
- Adoptive Families Circle
- Adoptive Families Magazine
- Center for Adoption Support and Education
- Post-Adoption Resources
- Taxes and Adoption- IRS information regarding the Adoption Tax Credit
Tapestry Books- Great resource for adoption friendly books.
Child Connect- A safe, confidential and secure online place to save and share memories
Tiny Beans- is the FREE Modern Family Album App that gives parents a happy space to enjoy their children's life stories.
AFH Calendar
- Saturday, March 29
- Sunday, March 30
- Friday, April 4
- Saturday, April 26
- Sunday, April 27
Helpful Links
AFH Sponsors
We appreciate the support of our sponsors!
Presenting Sponsors
Kathie Otte et al
Platinum Sponsors
Friends of St. Padre Pio
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Kari Bird State Farm Insurance
The McNamaras
Bronze Sponsors
Raju Adwaney & Abhishek Kansara
Copper State Rubber
Friends of AFH
Bryan & Debbie Burns
The Garza Family
The Solon Family
Picnic Activity Sponsors
Petting Zoo
Berly Family
DJ Sponsor
The de Roode Family
Balloon & Face Painting
Obstacle Course
Selfie Station
Michael's Rapid Lube